In the current year, Apple launched incredible features in the latest model of iPhone and collect good response from its users. Brilliant design and spec of iPhone X confirmed its lead among smartphone of a different brand in 2018. The different sources leak the news about the upcoming model of iPhone which might not contain bezels at the edges to show display on full-screen. It is considered as an appealing feature of any smartphone which supposed to be the significant reality in very next year.
iPhone XI released image also indicates its six rear camera feature with a dual front pop-up camera to satisfy those peoples who are dying to take a professional selfie or safe their iPhone with the help of Face ID unlock feature. The pinhole size of these cameras also became quite good news for those peoples who are eagerly waiting for it.
The Fans of iPhone is expecting so much from its upcoming model and most of the analyst predicted that iPhone XI disclose in fall 2019. It is also an imagination that it would come in different dimension same as various series of iPhone X. It is still too early to explain everything about iPhone XI and most of the peoples are looking for further leaks about it to get more information. Still for native users, what you already have can be seen at iPhone Price in Pakistan to buy online.
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